When a Coroner is involved

If the coroner cannot issue Form 100 because the post-mortem examination results are inconclusive so the coroner’s investigation is on-going or there is to be an inquest, there is also a form to help you with administration of the estate called a Coroner’s Certificate of the Fact of Death.

This is often referred to as an interim certificate as it takes the place of a certified copy of the death certificate until the coroner’s investigation or inquest is concluded and the death can be registered.

‘A’ certificate (Form 100A)

When a doctor has informed a coroner of the death but the doctor has been given permission by the coroner to issue a Medical Certificate, you will receive the Medical Certificate and Formal Notice in the same way as detailed above. There may also be an ‘A’ certificate. This is a form from the coroner informing the registrar that they are aware of the death but no further investigation is necessary and permission has been given to the doctor to issue the Medical Certificate. In some parts of the country this is delivered by the coroner’s service direct to the registrar of births and deaths. In other areas you may be asked to collect this from the coroner and take it to the registrar with the Medical Certificate. The doctor, bereavement officer or coroner’s officer will explain this to you.

Notification by the Coroner (Pink form B / form 100)

If the coroner has ordered a post mortem examination but there is no requirement for an inquest, the coroner will send this to the registrar (in some cases it may be given to you to take to the registrar). This is instead of the Medical Certificate from a doctor.

Order for Burial (form 101)

When there is to be an inquest and the person is going to be buried the coroner has to give permission for the funeral to proceed. This is usually collected by the funeral director from the coroner’s service on your behalf.

Certificate of Coroner (Cremation Form 6)

When there has been a coroner’s post-mortem or there is to be an inquest and the person is going to be cremated. This is usually collected by the funeral director on your behalf.

Removal Notice (form 104)

When the body is going to be moved out of England and Wales. This is sometimes called the ‘Out of England’ form and will often be collected by the funeral director on your behalf.