Moon Walk 2024


Wa ‘alaikum assalaam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh Brother.

February 7, 2025

JazaakAllahu khair. I am so very, very grateful to you for everything you are doing for Sister P*****. Her story is truly tragic and she suffered so much in life and particularly in the few months before her death. I couldn’t be there for her then, but I want to do what I can for her now inshaaAllah.

Once the janaza is over and I’ve had a bit of time to process everything and grieve inshaaAllah.

May Allah bless you and your loved ones infinitely for all that you do for everyone and grant you the best of this life and the next. May He ease your journey to Jannah when the time comes and grant you ease in everything just as you have granted myself and Sister P***** ease this week. Aameen!

Salam Brother Idris

February 3, 2025

Salam brother Idris. I want to thank you for today. Your maner, professionalism and kindness touched us all. You made those final moments at home calming and comforting. I appreciate you encouraging my mother to participate and help you wrap my father. The entirely family after you left the house with my father were at ease and my mother said you felt like her own son, she said the way you spoke to her and the entire family reminds her of her husband, your demeanour made us all relaxed and we know our father is in great hands with Supporting Humanity.

Wallahi you are Angels

January 31, 2025

I am the granddaughter of ******, who passed away in Colchester. She passed away in December, and she has no family or friends in the UK. Colchester Hospital contacted Gardens of Peace, after speaking to Gardens of Peace (Mr. ********) they gave my number to Idris, he contacted me in Malaysia.

We have no family, no money, and my Gran had been in the hospital for five weeks after passing. That is all I told Brother Idris, and he went quiet, i think he cry, i can hear the emotion in his voice. He then asked me to send the details he needed and assured me that he would liaise with the hospital. He also asked for permission to arrange a Muslim funeral and burial at Gardens of Peace.

Wallahi, Allah is great. I had been praying and crying for help, wondering what would happen to my Gran and her body. Within hours, Brother Idris collected her, and by the next day, she was buried with dignity. I cannot explain the pain and helplessness I felt for five weeks, and within just one day, someone I had never met helped us and took care of everything. Allah answered my prayers.

Brother, I will never forget what you have done for my Gran and for me. I pray that Allah grants you and your family the highest ranks in Jannat. When you contacted me, I looked into your charity and saw all the beautiful work you do. I pray that Allah gives you endless barakah in your life and all your work.

You were truly chosen to help my Gran, and the fact that you did everything without even asking for money is something I will never forget. My only wealth is my duas for you and your family, but if I had money, I would give it all to help you and the people you support.

I remember what you said, Pray for all the Ummah and peace. I now have a brother in London who i have never met.

May Allah bless you always. You will forever be in my prayers.

Massive thank you

January 30, 2025

Firstly, my Dad, Ray and myself would like to say a massive thank you for all your help and organisation with the funeral yesterday. Your colleagues did an amazing job.

Secondly, we have made a donation to the charity, today.

Finally, I hope you manage to get a break from the constant emails and phone calls! Time for a holiday!


Afzal, Rayman and Kevin

Ghusal workshop

January 30, 2025

Attended the workshop Sunday at limehouse masjid. Alhumdulilah found it very beneficial and gave us a reality check. It was very emotional, brought back alot of memories from 16yrs ago.

Amazing Support through a extremely difficult time

January 30, 2025

My father in law passed away, the death was sudden and unexpected, the hospital chaplain referred me to Idris as a post mortem had to happen, the work Idris done and all that he took on board was truly remarkable, he kept me informed throughout the entire process and liaised with all departments from Coroners to Radiologists and Pathologists as well as the mortuary. May Allah reward him and the team for the work they have done and continue to do.

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